What are your options when it comes to spider vein treatment Paramus?

 Going to a physician for spider vein removal is increasingly popular for both men and women. Depending on the vein doctor Paramus and the patient, there are several different treatment options available.



During the initial consultation with a physician, a patient learns more about his or her condition and the treatment options associated with it. Some treatments work better than others under certain circumstances. Use the consultation to talk about your current health condition and whether or not you are experiencing any pain. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn more about each of the three treatments available. Doctors and patients decided between sclerotherapy, Veinwave, and laser ablation.


For individuals looking for spider vein removal, sclerotherapy is one of the vein treatment Paramus when administered by a physician. A fluid (sometimes a medication and other times a salt solution) is injected into the veins. They shrink and their appearance continues to diminish until they are dissolved. Most of the time, the doctor does not use general anesthesia during the procedure. Time Duration to get completed this procedure may be between one or half an hour.  Patients are able to get back to their regular routine with very little recovery time needed.

Laser Ablation:

Sometimes spider vein removal is not just about fixing the appearance of the body. Sometimes, it is about dealing with the issue that is causing a patient pain. With laser ablation, the source of the problem is treated, not just the look of the veins. Unlike some other options, a patient will need to be mildly sedated before the procedure and could experience some numbness for one week following. There is a chance that this side effect could last for between one to two months but at that point, it usually resolves itself. To ensure that everything worked well, ultrasounds are performed at various monthly intervals to ensure that the veins stay closed. Laser vein treatment Paramus can provide you effective results to get rid of the diseased veins.



When other methods fail, Veinwave typically comes through for patients. A needle is inserted into only the top layers of skin and most patients immediately see the veins disappearing. The pain is minimal and it is often described as a warm pinprick that only lasts a few moments; it does not linger. Once the treatment is complete, the veins will no longer return. There are no spots and the skin is perfectly fine leaving no negative effects.

Spider vein removal is more common today because of the choices patients have for treatment. Before deciding on a course of action, it is important to set up a consultation with an expert to learn more about which option is best for you. These veins can be located in a variety of different areas including the legs or the face. The best vein doctor in New Jersey can explain which method will work best, have the least side effects, and produce the best results.


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